MV's forest cutting bars can fit both saw blades with WIDIA teeth Ø 600-750 mm. for a drastic pruning and special knives for a better trim of the tree. The drive is done by poly-v belt. The motor has 60 l/min absorption. According to the different necessities the bars can have 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 cutting groups.


Proteccion red + Lexan

Proteccion red + Lexan

Tanque 120 lt.

Tanque 120 lt.

Depósito 80 lt

Gamma bio serbatoio 80 lt.

Bloque de válvulas de seguridad

Carrete para drenaje para telescópico

Barra de corte de doble hoja de 2,60 metros

Distribuidor electrohidráulico + Radio control


Tarjetas PDF

Folleto en italiano TLP900

Folleto en inglès TLP900